Thursday, November 22, 2012

Five Steps To A Thicker Braid

 We all want our hair to be long and thick. The problem is, the longer it grows, the thinner it gets. The weight of our own hair causes it to thin out. Then there are the constraints of day to day life. Schools require your hair to be pulled back and in place, causing the use of damaging hair products. Your boss wants your hair to stop at your collar so you may be wearing a constricting bun that breaks your hair off in the most inconvenient places. Here are some steps to help grow a thicker, longer braid. After about five weeks, your braid should appear to be at least 50% thicker than before.

Step One: Change Shampoos

If your hair is frizzy, that doesn't mean it needs more moisture. In fact, it means the opposite. Humidity causes frizziness. You need a smoothing shampoo to make your hair sleek. Smooth hair is less likely to wind up in a tangle around the bristle in your hair brush. Less tangles means less hair loss.

Step Two: Less Conditioner

If you go overboard with the conditioner, you can weigh your hair down thus preventing fluffiness. Frizziness is your enemy, fluffiness is your friend. It makes for a thicker braid. Try using the matching conditioner for your shampoo. It would be better to go without your conditioner if you can't find it. Use a conditioning styling agent such as cremes and serums.

Step Three: Skip The Hair Ties

Most people put them on too tight to begin with. This suffocates the hair causing it to break right where the hair tie was. No matter what the label on the Goodie brand wrapper says, it will break your hair. Use hair gel on the tips of your hair to keep the braid from unraveling. Don't use hair ties at the beginning of your braid or your hair will thin out at that very spot. If you must use a hair tie, use the plastic elastic bands usually found in cheap hair supply stores.

Step Four: Wetter is Better

If you're going to braid your hair, there is no need to blow dry it. A wet braid is smoother and straighter than a dry one. Hair is most vulnerable when it is wet. So rather than walk around with a wet head of flowing hair, braid it. Never brush wet hair. If you must have your hair dry, use a heat protection product to lubricate your hair to prevent breakage.

Step Five: Leave it Down

Even braids can stress your hair. So only braid it when you need to. If you're going out, cleaning house, cooking, sleeping, you may want to braid it to prevent tangling. Otherwise, leave it down to let it breathe.

Monday, November 5, 2012

10 Things Native Americans Want Non-Natives To Know

1. We don't care what tribe your great great grandmother on your father's side is. Just say "hello", tell me your name, and shake my hand.

2. Some of us like wearing our hair short. Stop asking us if we cut our hair because somebody died.

3. Asking to see our tribal ID is like asking to see our drivers license. Unless you're a cop or a clerk accepting my application for something, don't ask to see it.

4. Don't take my picture without asking me first.

5. We come in all the colors of the rainbow.

6. Not all tribes powwow.

7. If I use the term "Indian" to describe my own people, don't proceed to tell me that I am not politically correct.

8. We're not all casino Indians. Some of us are one welfare right alongside you.

9. If we agree to teach you something, bring a gift to the first meet up as gratitude.

10. We're quiet because we're observing.